miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

How To Finding Dresses For Your Body Shape

bodytypeHow To Finding Dresses For Your Body Shape | Do not feel inferior, if not attractive body shape. The key can still look attractive is the choice of clothes according to your body. Do not think you can look stylish with the next trend or not the trend that fits your body.
“Women are 24 different body shapes, but only six, which is commonly known, has an hourglass shape, pears, apples, lollipops, thin brick and directed,” said Joseph Geeta observer mode, borrowed from the website of the Times of India.

Many men assume that women who live as the hourglass is the sexiest. Jersey dress with low cut V-neck collar, skirt and high heels make women more attractive appearance of an hourglass elegant.
The website includes Compass, 49 percent of women have the body shape as the bottom of a large pear. The designer says that Rahul six pears, wearing skirts, dresses and jackets, which returns to life. Or if not, wear a belt so that the most attractive.
The body shape of Apple applies for those who have excess fat on the body above the waist, as quoted by the medindia site. You should make an effort in the dress. Unlike women, pears, suggested fashion designer Charu Prashar apples that women should wear clothes that are just outside an indentation size in both pants and skirts. The body shape of Apple allows freedom in the choice of colors should not only black and brown AAU. If you dare, you can wear shirts that show the shoulder. Show your ankles with a low-heeled shoes.
For women who have a body-shaped lollipop, avoid tight clothing and high-waisted skirt or pants. The black color is highly recommended that you look thinner. And never allow clothing that draws attention to the upper body.
Stones shaped body does not have a choice of colors and clothing trends abstinence. It requires a kind of body silhouettes to show the body shape is more surprising. With a low waist jeans are perfect for you. “To be beautiful, wear loose blouses,” said Charu.
Thin Straight
A woman whose body was thin shaped to fit a dress right, draped. This body shape is actually an advantage because you can enjoy many types of clothing interest. Of particular interest is to avoid dark colors like black and brown because it will make you look thinner.

10 Ways to Wake Up Early

In fact, all early risers. Activity when they grow up that makes us familiar with the schedule we have set. Some people, because of his work has also kept awake at night and just sleep until dawn.
Therefore, when you need to change the habit of getting up early every day, obviously you feel unhappy. But there are always ways to overcome these things.

1. Stretching
Stretch slowly, like yoga or spun to the right and left. This movement will help the body to capture the energy and keep your mind focused. Direction of the transaction in the head, often occurs due to waking up too early disappeared.
2. Get Up
Once you are able to get out of bed, make some moves into the bloodstream. Sit-ups (lying down with knees bent and lifted his head, neck and shoulder), push-ups, or jumping from a light, is also very useful.
3. Avoid Too Much Caffeine
Caffeine can make you feel more awake during the day, but take longer (more than two cups in the morning) may make it weaker at noon. One cup is enough to make stable energy levels.
4. Drink
During sleep, the body uses stored water and therefore loss of fluids when you wake up. Rehidrating your body with a few glasses of cold water not only cools the body but also helps stimulate the nervous system and digestion. Drink water before your body is full of something.
5. Make a Regular Schedule
Our bodies are like consistency. After the sleep schedule and wake up the same every day makes the body more easily woken up in the morning. You will feel more energetic during the day.
6. Select Alarm with Soft Music
Anyone who does not want to wake up to a deafening alarm. It can also increase the risk of heart attack, because the sound that surprises can worsen the condition of people suffering from heart problems. Select the ringer you can listen to soft music, which gradually awakens. If necessary, place the phone a little more, so you have to get up to turn it off.
7. Dim The Lights
Turn off the computer and television one hour before bedtime. Bright light can be distracting, so that the brain is more difficult to break. By building a more peaceful sleep, sleep more soundly and the body adapt to wake up early.
8. Bath Immediately
You know, the hardest thing to do when you wake up in the morning is the bathroom? But this is the key. Immediately shower with cold water to wake up the nervous system, and helps you realize. After the bath, no more laziness, because your mind and body is “awakening.”
9. Breakfast
When the “fast” through the night, your body needs energy to move. Breakfast every morning (even if only the bread with jam or fruit) makes you feel better prepared for action.
10. Breathe Deeply
For some people, getting up early to be worrying moments. A shadow of what is in front of the office, or how to solve problems with a partner, meet as soon as the mind. So, as soon as you wake up, time to take a deep breath to calm the mind and body. Start your day with calm, so that all operations are carried out according to your good mood.

9 Tips to Overcome Shyness

Is your shyness is a real drawback in your daily life? Try to follow some simple tips to help you cope.
When you speak, start a conversation, pass the oral exam, you tend to be insecure, your heart beat faster, feeling hoarse in the throat will prevent you speak, your legs tremble … You can fix this situation.

Being shy is already human nature and this can not be avoided! The shame is usually rooted in childhood, after a fragile emotional events.
Fear of failure, fear of misjudging, fear of disappointing … A shy, often brings a negative light that doubted their ability to succeed and often feel that others are better than their own.
9 tips to learn to overcome shyness:
1. Do not be ashamed of your shame.
Accept yourself as you are and think it’s fair! Less than you think, the more chances to clean, more wide open to success.
2. Do not fear the opinions of others.
Learning to accept criticism when someone responds to yourself and let the comments who may be less fun for you. But that’s the challenge, you so know your weaknesses so apa2 who now ..
3. Talk about shame to your family.
Explain to others what you feel, you can identify anything that makes you depressed, what situation you face, what people respond to yourself …
4. Practicing sports
can help you minimize your shame thanks to the social relations arising who often gather with friends.
5. Act like a theater / performing
to learn how to talk to others without shame.
6. Learn to say. Dare to say no.
Often we take for granted something that is not really comfortable with the choice of our own heart because of scared / ashamed to reject it … So, start from now …!
7. Learning to breathe calmly.
Before an exam or job interview for example, breathe in deeply through your nose and then remove slowly to evacuate the stress and fear of loss of opportunity.
8. Think positively.
Do not think too narrowly, “well, my brain is not very encer2 .. Where can succeed “. Such thought is one of the picture. Essentially, you forget that success is determined by a handful of intelligence, but also a multitude of opportunities. Rest assured, that you are not worth less than others, you are quite capable of reaching the target you want.
9. Mingling with people who are competent in their field.
If your shyness ruin your life, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist. He will find the best path for you, find words and ways to help you drive your shyness.
Is your shyness is a real drawback in your daily life? Try to follow some simple tips to help you cope.
When you speak, start a conversation, pass the oral exam, you tend to be insecure, your heart beat faster, feeling hoarse in the throat will prevent you speak, your legs tremble … You can fix this situation.

Being shy is already human nature and this can not be avoided! The shame is usually rooted in childhood, after a fragile emotional events.
Fear of failure, fear of misjudging, fear of disappointing … A shy, often brings a negative light that doubted their ability to succeed and often feel that others are better than their own.
9 tips to learn to overcome shyness:
1. Do not be ashamed of your shame.
Accept yourself as you are and think it’s fair! Less than you think, the more chances to clean, more wide open to success.
2. Do not fear the opinions of others.
Learning to accept criticism when someone responds to yourself and let the comments who may be less fun for you. But that’s the challenge, you so know your weaknesses so apa2 who now ..
3. Talk about shame to your family.
Explain to others what you feel, you can identify anything that makes you depressed, what situation you face, what people respond to yourself …
4. Practicing sports
can help you minimize your shame thanks to the social relations arising who often gather with friends.
5. Act like a theater / performing
to learn how to talk to others without shame.
6. Learn to say. Dare to say no.
Often we take for granted something that is not really comfortable with the choice of our own heart because of scared / ashamed to reject it … So, start from now …!
7. Learning to breathe calmly.
Before an exam or job interview for example, breathe in deeply through your nose and then remove slowly to evacuate the stress and fear of loss of opportunity.
8. Think positively.
Do not think too narrowly, “well, my brain is not very encer2 .. Where can succeed “. Such thought is one of the picture. Essentially, you forget that success is determined by a handful of intelligence, but also a multitude of opportunities. Rest assured, that you are not worth less than others, you are quite capable of reaching the target you want.
9. Mingling with people who are competent in their field.
If your shyness ruin your life, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist. He will find the best path for you, find words and ways to help you drive your shyness.

How to Maintain The Brain Memory

It is often forgotten that key? Or forget the cost, at what time, when they arrived at the supermarket? If ever there are no problems, anyone can experience, not only parents but also people who are young.
Even if you do not take account of old age, research suggests memory loss begins at 20 years and over. In order to reduce to a minimum, perform the following three phases:

1. Consumption of carbohydrates
The lack of carbohydrates can be bad on the memory card. A team of researchers at Tufts University have found someone that will reduce the carbohydrate consumption of the memory test results are worse than carbohydrates.
What is the reason? It turns out the brain cells needed to convert carbohydrates into glucose, to focus on. If you really afraid of gaining weight, select only healthy carbohydrate sources, such as wheat or rice.
2. Exercises
“Exercise increases blood flow to a region, including the brain, and provides the necessary oxygen and glucose,” says Sandra Aamodt, Ph.D., co-author of Welcome to your brain.
In fact, according to research published in “Journal of Neurobiology of Learning and Memory,” which can be 20 percent more quickly absorb new words in foreign languages, just after exercise. Therefore, from now on to protect your memory by exercising regularly.
3. Change the font on your computer
You always use Times New Roman? Try to use other fonts that are not commonly used to improve your long-term retention. Focus on new policies may make treatment centers in the brain work a little harder. You can change the font Comic Sans emphasis may be for you too influential, but the brain will work harder than usual for this process.

What Makes a Beautiful Face on a Woman?
“All these issues are on trends,” says Dr. Pamela Pallett, a researcher at Dartmouth University. “You could have a healthy spouse because that person is either genetic, and faces, which seems pretty indicative of good pedigree.”

We’re used to more attracted to certain faces than others. Sexual dimorphism is a term for the specific nature of sexuality is an important factor in what we think is beautiful. The more feminine a woman, it would be considered more attractive.
“For women, things like large eyes, small nose and mouth with a thickness of more interesting, because these things are planned to improve the woman’s face,” said Viren Swami doctor, a player character of a person University of Westminster, one of the authors of “The psychology of physical attraction,” Attraction and YouBeauty experts. One study also noted that a large forehead and chin and nose are less than the average, women were more desirable.
The reason? Scientists believe that we evolved to consider the nature of femininity as a sign of more estrogen than testosterone. This means a high fertility rate, which ultimately all lead to the ability to produce healthy offspring.
But just because you do not like Megan Fox does not mean you have no luck. It is important to remember that the general approach of facial proportions in some of the more specific, he said. Swami. In other words, since there are still parts that are more feminine face (even if you have a big nose or lips are thin), which is still considered beautiful.
“If the high cheekbones to emphasize the femininity, the overall efficiency can be considered interesting,” he explained. “Not only have high cheekbones.”
When we speak of the cheeks, you will be surprised to learn that all models are thin or face stiff considered ideal. Study of St Andrews University showed that fat in the face, or facial fat, is actually more attractive to men. In evolutionary terms, the chubby face showed good cardiovascular health and immunity against infection. The good health of a healthy baby, right? At least that’s the case went unconscious.
A symmetrical face and the beauty standards are also considered important (yes, believe it or not, the “standard” is good). Both seem to imply a lot of differences between individual proteins, leading to reduced birth defects.
“The operation of this symmetry is that if you have a history of imbalance in the growth of life-like illness or malnutrition in the first days of growth, then you will have parts that are not symmetrical,” said Dr . Swami. Evoluisioner psychologists believe that humans have “evolved to be attracted to healthy attractive face and symmetry of the face is an indication of good health.”
Another reason is because you look closely you can remember. A study at Brandeis University shows that many consider to be close friends, siblings and their spouses more attractive than those that are not yet known. This suggests that the point of having a close relationship with the social aspects.
Interestingly, Dr. Swami repeatedly found an idea in his research he describes as “love is blind prejudice”: “Those who have romantic relationships will do to his partner as an ideal reference, so that they assume their partners are more physically attractive than the view of those about her partner, “he said. But when your relationship is broken, the spell is lost. Slowly, you will see that what others see . thick eyebrows when you consider attractive? Well, not like that.
Radiant flawless skin is another factor in the attraction, so do not let your dermatologist first. There are two main reasons: smooth skin indicates good health and youth. The skin is smooth and hairless indicate a low level of estrogen and androgen levels. Both indicate fertility.
Arriving at the magic of makeup. “Oh, the powder smooths the skin, making it healthier and younger,” said the doctor. Pallett. ‘The eye makeup and lipstick can highlight your feminine side of nature. “Darker and contrast of the skin around the lips, it becomes more attractive. The reason: There are more healthy breathing, oxygen should be even better than the ‘sexual arousal.
So if the whole development, because not everyone accepts what is beautiful and who is not? When it comes to people, it is more difficult. Evolution explains why we think some of them interesting. Factors such as voice, facial expressions, body language and personality is also influenced by their own attractiveness. It means, the physical is only time for themselves the beauty within you shine.

martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

Hi! beutiful girls, How are you? Would you like to talk about yourself? yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This blog belong you , will be fun Let´s start


Healthy teen girls